Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Scam Alert

As with a lot of products that are first movers in their field, you invariably see skeptics that voice their doubt about the efficacy of the product's claims.  This has been no different with the No Red Face Formula with a handful of articles claiming that the treatment program is a scam and does not work.

The simple truth is that it is not a scam and this is clearly evidenced by their proven 85% success rate in relation to their existing customers.

Here are some possible reasons for the misunderstanding:

Incorrect Use

Many people are looking for a quick fix for their problem.  If it were as simple as taking a pill and drinking as much as you want without getting a red face then the No Red Face Formula wouldn't be as popular as it is.

The reason why it is so popular is because there is no miracle pill.  The treatment program involves various steps that will not work properly if you do not follow them.  It also involves about 30 minutes of reading time before you can understand and apply these steps.

Because of this, it is no surprise that a lot of people skip the reading and consequently end up using the formula incorrectly.  As a result they find that it doesn't work for them and conclude that it is a scam, when in reality they have sacrificed a lifetime of red face free drinking because they were too lazy to spend 30 minutes reading the instructions.

The formula is set out in a very simple and easy to understand format.  All you need to do is read it, understand it and apply the steps exactly as they are written.  If you require assistance with any part of the formula you will have access to their 24 hour support line who will quickly solve any issues you might be having.

Incorrect Expectations

Another reason why people may conclude that the No Red Face Formula is a scam is because they are expecting more than a downloadable treatment program for $24.

This is understandable.  Imagine you pay $24 expecting to receive a package in the mail and then realise that you've purchased something that you simply download onto your computer, read and then follow.  It is no surprise that people may think that they have been scammed as a result of this.

However, the reality is that they have paid $24 for the solution to their problem.  Whether its a supplement, a special serum, an energy crystal or in this case a digitally downloadable treatment program, if it works then it is money well spent.

The cold hard fact is that 85% of customers did not claim a refund for their purchase.  This means that they were most likely smart enough to follow the steps outlined in the formula and in turn were able to experience the satisfaction of overcoming their problem and finally drinking alcohol without getting a red face.

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